

Events Detail

22 Aug 2020

The Parent Teacher Virtual Meet (PTM) of KIET on 22-August-2020

The most interactive: First Parent Teacher Virtual Meet (PTM) of KIET

“Compassion, Love, Consistency and Discipline, if practiced diligently, can work miraculously in making our children safe and prepared to learn the maximum even during the difficult times of their lives.”

Sensing the need of the hour, KIET Group of Institutions organized its first Parents’ Interactive Session on Saturday, 22 August 2020 to cater to the academic and placement related queries of the parents during COVID-19. The Session commenced with the Welcome address by the Director and Joint Director of the institute, whence they appreciated the support of parents and faculty members in making such a quick transformation to the online learning. The Session was taken forward bythe Dean Academics who shared the highlights of the new Academic Policy, which was followed by a brief Counselling session by Manager IAof the institute. The Head-CRPC resolved the worries of the parents of 3rd & 4th year students and promised the safe career prospects for them even in the times of unpredictability.

Then after the session was thrown open for the suggestions and questions by the parents that saw an immense participation from them. The parents reflected their satisfaction over online classes and appreciated the efforts invested by the institute in organizing the foreign language classes, GATE preparation and international internships. They suggested that the institute should offer the opportunities of CAT, GRE and other higher education preparation to their children. It was enthralling to see that the parents requested the institute to strengthen the capacity of their childrento face bigger challenges of the professional world, through more and more workloads.

The Session was a successful initiative that acted as a catalyst to connect with the parents and allowed them to open their hearts.
